Welcome to the UA Local 190 Fringe Benefit Funds Home.
CLICK HERE to view mailings sent to members about the new vision benefit changes from Davis Vision.
Click on the link below to check your Benny Card balances:
This site is maintained by TIC International Corporation on behalf of UA Local 190 Fringe Benefit Funds. The site is intended primarily for fund participants and beneficiaries to provide them with additional access to fund information that they may find helpful. Your use of this site constitutes your acceptance of the below limitations and your acknowledgment that the content and services provided at this site are for information only.
Please Note: This site does not permit access to any confidential health related information or financial information. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices.
Do Not rely on this site or its links for determination of questions that you may have about your eligibility or entitlement to fund benefits or for plan coverage and benefits. Neither this site nor its links can provide you with a binding answer as to whether any claim you may have for fund benefits will be allowed or denied. If you have questions concerning your benefit eligibility, coverage, or a benefit claim by you or your beneficiaries, you should contact TIC International Corporation.
Any general medical and other information provided by this site and its links is for your convenience only. Do not rely on this information if you have specific medical questions. Specific questions about medical issues should be addressed by your doctor. And, do not disregard any medical advice you may have received because of information you may obtain from this site.
Contact Information
Information regarding UA Local 190 Pension, Health Care, 401k, Sub pay or fringe benefits contact:
Bernadette Maus
Account Manager
Email address: bmaus@ua190.org
Toll-Free number: (888) 390-7473
Local Number: (734) 424-0962 ext. 3
Bernadette will be at the union hall every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 am until 4:30 pm. Lunch noon until 1:00 pm. Please call to make an in-person appointment. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday by telephone only.
UA 190 Union Hall
7920 Jackson Rd. Suite C (located on west side of building)
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
700 Tower Dr., Ste. 300
Troy, MI 48098
Telephone number: (248) 641-4929